Reality is that the serpent didn’t even show up in the garden until they were married. And as believers today, are we aware of just how hard he works, along with the struggles of our own flesh, that can lead to our marriages being shaken to the core? Jessie and Shannon Quintanas, humbly joined me […]

The “Transfiguration”. Luke 9:27-37.

Having just performed many miracles, and then asking the disciples who they say Jesus is, we see that they are shaken to the core, as Jesus begins to reveal His journey towards The Cross. So many supposed Messiahs have come and gone, with many of them dying, even being crucified. So what makes Jesus any different? […]

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month!

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month! Yes, it is, and how significant is it? I am not one for politics in particular, but if I were to run for President, (which would be impossible as an English man, who is now an American Citizen) one of my main focuses would be Suicide! Not only because I am […]