Can we boldly pursue God, inquiring, asking, even petitioning Him? From standing before a burning bush in confusion and fear, asking God to send someone else, we now find Moses fighting on behalf of the Israelites and knowing God intimately enough to be certain that He will respond in love. It is out of God’s good pleasure toward Moses and Moses’ desire for the […]
The Ten Commandments!

What would culture look like if we actually honored the Ten Commandments? Are they outdated? Has God done away with them? Are we under them, in such a way that if we break one there […]
The “Transfiguration”. Luke 9:27-37.

Having just performed many miracles, and then asking the disciples who they say Jesus is, we see that they are shaken to the core, as Jesus begins to reveal His journey towards The Cross. So many supposed Messiahs have come and gone, with many of them dying, even being crucified. So what makes Jesus any different? […]