Thank you for 2014, as we head into 2015! †
When my wife and I prayed about what our life was going to look like in 2014, and heading into 2015, we did have a direction, but needed affirmation. I had made a living off skating for the past twenty years, and had never had another avenue of income. Skating had provided, but once becoming […]
Do our plans really include God? Recent message as we head into 2015!

Marriage? Who are we fooling? Are we Christian by name, or actually “following” Jesus?
What does it mean for us to refer to ourselves as Christian? Do I acknowledge that Jesus came, lived and died for my sins? Do I attend church even? Do I have a Bible beside my bed, or even an app in my phone? Do these things make us a Christian, or are they something anyone […]
Testimony and message on “Weight” at ABC Church Altascadero, CA. Click to listen.
Thank you to ABC church. Great weekend with you guys. God Bless †
From our Advent series, we consider that”Unto us a child is born” Isaiah 9:6, as we look at Revelation 19:11-15.

Here we are, heading into Christmas season, the advent of our Lord, as we begin to turn our focus to the most significant event for all humanity. Yes, 2000 years ago, God did His Son on mission to to die for the sins of the world. John 1:14 tells us that “the word became flesh”, and He […]
Gaining the whole world, but losing my soul!
Recent sermon in Rock Harbor’s “Worthy” series. Lamenting, in the book of Job!

“THISIZMYSTORY” testimony video on Brian…
“Who is jesus” from D2L
D2LRevolution video on Suicide!
Norma Jean!
It was a crazy experience, walking into her room. It had been a few months since my last visit and prior to this she was still walking around, able to give hugs, make jokes, ask questions. Life and character was still evident in her. But now was very different. The front room of the house, […]
New gear in the shop at!
Thanks to Death To Life Revolution for wanting to get videos out reaching teens to do with SUICIDE!
Cut it out!
“Could you sign your signature here?” she asked. Lifting up her arm as her and a friend approached me. Two girls in a parking lot of a giant church. We had invited the youth group and whoever else wished to skate, get free food and hear some worship music to come out to hang with […]
Billy Graham “My Hope America” outreach video.
“Good Soil”.
Really? We can start with excitement about our walk with Christ, the good news, and our future with Him, and then can step back, get caught up, and end up who knows where? Am I saying losing salvation? Am I saying never saved? Who am I to say any of this? But what I […]
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