Suicide Prevention Awareness Month!

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month! Yes, it is, and how significant is it? I am not one for politics in particular, but if I were to run for President, (which would be impossible as an English man, who is now an American Citizen) one of my main focuses would be Suicide! Not only because I am […]
Marriage Ministry, Skate Outreach, and Church Services this weekend in Payson, Arizona.
Come out this Friday night at 7pm for marriage seminar, with Brian and Tracy Sumner at THE WORD. It is free of charge and nursery will be provided. 208 S McLane Rd.
Recent Marriage Panel! Five of us were able to share our experiences, based on Gods Word for our marriages.
Lots of marriage panels and sermons lately. Can feel the season shaping for wifey and myself. We have had the worst of struggles, but God is still pastoring marriages. Here in @creationfest_uk we saw over 65 years of marriage experience being shared, with one thing, or One person rather as the center. Click to hear the […]
Marriage Series launch in Arizona!

Saturday and Sunday my wife and I were able to share at our good friends church. We helped launched a marriage series, a six week one they had based on our recent book. As the night was over and even the next day people were talking about canceling the divorce papers they had filed, about […]
Angry God? Does He wipe people out? Why was the earth flooded?

Does God seem angry to you? Why does there seem to be so much more anger, hurt, death in The Old Testament? Is that the case? What about the death of men, women, even children? What about the flood? What about what people refer to today as Genocide? Even Richard Dawkins himself preaches […]
Romans 2, as Paul writes to believer’s, addressing their judging, holding to the law, circumcision and more. † Click to watch!

Romans 2:17-29 “But if you call yourself a Jew and rely on the law and boast in God 18 and know his will and approve what is excellent, because you are instructed from the law; 19 and if you are sure that you yourself are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, 20 an instructor of the […]
A message from Cornwall England, on “suffering, and hard times”, found in “Job”.
Struggling with Anger? Here’s Chapter 13 of the 30-day Marriage Devotional “Never Fails”.
Day 1 3 : I n Your Anger, Do Not Sin! At our church, we have an outreach called “Young Lives.” The goal is to have men who have families and are raising children sit with younger, recently new fathers to encourage and sow into them. Last night, one question came up, “How do we, […]
Recent message through our series on Genesis. Here in Genesis 2 we tackle creation, mans purpose, how Gods Word lays the foundation for life. Even addressing the issue of marriage.

Finally! The “Never Fails” 30 Day Marriage Devotional is available for pre-order.
Hows your marriage? All working out? Is it causing you to grow, consider, die to self? It should be. Many of you know our story, we were married, had a child, then divorced. Soon after that we came to faith, and God restored our marriage, but that did not mean marriage was easy. It […]
Recent Article from The Gospel Coalition!
Recent Article on “Fatherhood and Marriage” for I Am Second! Click on the image.
Sharing on “Purpose” for Billy Grahams “Couch Sessions.”
Recent video on “Trust The Lord” for Billy Grahams “Couch Sessions.”
Sneak peak at the upcoming “Never Fails” 30 Day Marriage Devotion Book. Available soon with the goal of selling enough to give enough away. †
“Who Is Jesus?” Click to watch!
Here’s day five of my upcoming Marriage Book ” Never Fails”.
Day 5 The Covenant of One Flesh Our marriage is of God. He designed it, blessed it, and has made Himself accountable for it. A good marriage is one of the blessings we can enjoy because of Christ’s death on the cross. But we often view God as so remote—not part of our daily lives—that […]
The newest deck based around Jesus in The Garden! Click to purchase.
Thank you for 2014, as we head into 2015! †
When my wife and I prayed about what our life was going to look like in 2014, and heading into 2015, we did have a direction, but needed affirmation. I had made a living off skating for the past twenty years, and had never had another avenue of income. Skating had provided, but once becoming […]
Marriage? Who are we fooling? Are we Christian by name, or actually “following” Jesus?
What does it mean for us to refer to ourselves as Christian? Do I acknowledge that Jesus came, lived and died for my sins? Do I attend church even? Do I have a Bible beside my bed, or even an app in my phone? Do these things make us a Christian, or are they something anyone […]
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