Living Way Youth Tomorrow night!
Partnering with my good friend Justin Unger and his LikeWise Worship Ministry to encourage local Worship Leaders in their call.
Likewise Worship is a ministry aimed at encouraging and helping develop musicians into the Worshippers they were called to be. We tackled the dangers of achievement, and how the biggest hindrance to Gods Ministry, can be ours. King David accomplished so much, even being referred to by God Himself, “as a man after Gods own […]
Amazing time at Immanuel Schools with the Youth!

Was blessed to share four days on Testimony, Identity, Anxiety and The Holy Spirit/Gospel with the youth of Immanuel Schools. The dangers of sharing with the younger generation is we can think it is so much about relating, and being relevant, yet this week it was amazing to see them […]
Canada was amazing.
I was blessed to be with myfamily up in Edmonton Canada, sharing for a three day conference along with the worship of Martin Smith and band, along with the Christ City band. We dug deep into the word to focus on how Moses spent the later years of his life out in the wilderness, thinking […]

Looking forward to being with Genesis Collective church this Sunday night.
Excited to be sharing right here in Costa Mesa this Sunday night with a bunch of friends! Community on MISSION! Taking our stories out into the world.
New Ryan-Ries live radio show with a discussion on Biblical manhood.

Sermon from 1 John 1:1-2:3 on “God is Light”.

Costa Rica Missions Trip! Thank You for making this possible. †
Recent interview on Testimony, Evangelism, and Marriage with Ryan Ries.

Can we pursue God with boldness? Moses did!

From standing before a burning bush in confusion and fear, asking God to send someone else, we now find Moses fighting on behalf of the Israelites and knowing God intimately enough to be certain that He will respond in love. It is out of God’s good pleasure toward Moses and Moses’ desire for the people […]
SKATE BIBLE gear in store!
HIStalks Mens Conferences has launched.

What would it look like for ten men, to share for 15 minutes each over the course of 4 hours to hundreds of men? Amazing! Thankful for the launch of HIStalks mens conference, and that many different churches and leaders unified to make this event possible. Here’s an edit of what I was asked to […]
“Signs Of The End Of The Age” – October 8th, 2017 This weekend we picked up where we left off in our Luke series, with Brian Sumner unpacking Luke 21 and the signs of the end of the age. Although much is said in this passage, it is helpful to approach Jesus’ discussion of the temple with bifocal vision in which we can see […]
“Worshipping Through Suffering” – The Book Of Job

“Worshipping Through Suffering” – The Book Of Job March 23rd 2014 – Branches Church – Huntington Beach, CA. From the “Worthy” series, what does it mean to “Lament”? Is it a form of worship? Are we pursuing God? Is He present? What can we learn from Job, and the Nation of Israel, as they faced […]
Luke 5:27-39

A lowest of the rung tax collector called “Levi”, not able to visit the synagogues, an outcast from his own people, sitting in his booth feeling less than, and who should he look upon? Who should come walking towards him after having healed a paralytic man? Jesus! Levi had no hope, no where to turn, […]
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