Evangelism, a lost art?

“Missions exists because worship doesn’t” writes John Piper. And how true this statement is. At a time when the American church, often looks more like a launching pad for Entrepreneurial Pastors, a place to set trends, or as competing arenas for filling seats, is it possible we have missed what we find at the […]
The “Transfiguration”. Luke 9:27-37.

Having just performed many miracles, and then asking the disciples who they say Jesus is, we see that they are shaken to the core, as Jesus begins to reveal His journey towards The Cross. So many supposed Messiahs have come and gone, with many of them dying, even being crucified. So what makes Jesus any different? […]
Marriage Ministry, Skate Outreach, and Church Services this weekend in Payson, Arizona.
Come out this Friday night at 7pm for marriage seminar, with Brian and Tracy Sumner at THE WORD. It is free of charge and nursery will be provided. 208 S McLane Rd.
Recent sermon on “Love and Truth” in action based on Matthew 28:20. From Creation Fest Cornwall.
When we think of Jesus, we often think of an event in history, a time and place where God intervened and did something special. Yet God has always been intervening, always doing something other-worldly and special. What was it Jesus came to say? What was it He helped us to understand? What was it He […]
Costa Rica 2016!
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord” Costa Rica is a go! November 13th – 22nd looks to be the dates. […]
Costa Rica update! Plenty to read and see of what The Lord did! †
As you know, myself and the Rock Harbor Youth leaders and youth just got back from our 9 day trip to Liberia, Costa Rica. And what a blessing it was. For many of these kids this was their first mission trip. Two years ago a Jamie, a Calvary Chapel Pastor from Virginia and his family felt called to Liberia. Originally from New […]
Romans 2, as Paul writes to believer’s, addressing their judging, holding to the law, circumcision and more. † Click to watch!

Romans 2:17-29 “But if you call yourself a Jew and rely on the law and boast in God 18 and know his will and approve what is excellent, because you are instructed from the law; 19 and if you are sure that you yourself are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, 20 an instructor of the […]
Sermons on “The Gospel”, “Weight” and “Lamenting” from our recent visit to Christ City Church Edmonton.
Looking forward to sharing and encouraging at Living Word Bible Church, Mesa, AZ.
Billy Grahams “My Hope America” video on Brian’s story is reaching Great Britain.

Recent Article on “Fatherhood and Marriage” for I Am Second! Click on the image.
Our upcoming “Missions” Evangelism course begins Monday June 1st.
We have been working on a three week course based on living a life on purpose, to reach the lost. This is a free three week course. You will each receive a free workbook, as we dig into the scriptures, talk about experiences, and each week in your own time recap the lesson as you […]
Beachside Summerfest!
Upcoming dates added for Kansas!
Thankful the marriage book I am writing is entering the final editing stages, and this years outreaches and mission are coming together. †
Australia in April. Looking forward to sharing at the Catalyst Conference. †
Generations Church is proud to present CATALYST 2015! A FREE conference with the purpose of preaching the supremacy of Christ [In light of the gospel] – Speakers: Brian Sumner, Simon Clegg and more to be announced! Stay tuned for more info but keep this weekend free!!!
Thank you for 2014, as we head into 2015! †
When my wife and I prayed about what our life was going to look like in 2014, and heading into 2015, we did have a direction, but needed affirmation. I had made a living off skating for the past twenty years, and had never had another avenue of income. Skating had provided, but once becoming […]
Gaining the whole world, but losing my soul!
“The Living Water” challenge!
https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=OKGiMOfA4Ic The “Living Water Challenge”. Jesus called us to share our faith, and that in doing so many people would respond, and many would also reject. What’s greater then simply helping people’s bodies, is helping their eternity. I am Challenging you today to stand up and share your faith so others can hear of what […]
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