Recent video on “Trust The Lord” for Billy Grahams “Couch Sessions.”
Had a great few weeks traveling out to Australia and Colorado. Plenty of skateparks, churches and outreaches. Here’s some dates below for a few days while in Kansas.
Thankful the marriage book I am writing is entering the final editing stages, and this years outreaches and mission are coming together. †
Thank you for 2014, as we head into 2015! †
When my wife and I prayed about what our life was going to look like in 2014, and heading into 2015, we did have a direction, but needed affirmation. I had made a living off skating for the past twenty years, and had never had another avenue of income. Skating had provided, but once becoming […]
Marriage? Who are we fooling? Are we Christian by name, or actually “following” Jesus?
What does it mean for us to refer to ourselves as Christian? Do I acknowledge that Jesus came, lived and died for my sins? Do I attend church even? Do I have a Bible beside my bed, or even an app in my phone? Do these things make us a Christian, or are they something anyone […]
Testimony and message on “Weight” at ABC Church Altascadero, CA. Click to listen.
Thank you to ABC church. Great weekend with you guys. God Bless †
From our Advent series, we consider that”Unto us a child is born” Isaiah 9:6, as we look at Revelation 19:11-15.

Here we are, heading into Christmas season, the advent of our Lord, as we begin to turn our focus to the most significant event for all humanity. Yes, 2000 years ago, God did His Son on mission to to die for the sins of the world. John 1:14 tells us that “the word became flesh”, and He […]
New Christmas completes ready to go. 5.0 trucks, abec 7 bearings, and 52mm wheels. Available while supplies last.
Click to order your Christmas complete. Available while supplies last. (Comes set up). Reliance skateboard deck, 5.0 trucks, Abec 7 bearings, 52 mm wheels, bolts and grip tape. (Perfect for ages 5-12).
Loving The Church!

D2L video on purpose!

Sermon on “The Lords Prayer”.

Billy Graham video personalized!

Recent sermon in Rock Harbor’s “Worthy” series. Lamenting, in the book of Job!

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