End times? When sin is done away with? New Jerusalem?

Many are afraid to read The Book Of Revelation! Many think it is to difficult to understand, and that there has been so much controversy coming out of the understandings of it, that it is best left alone. Many think it is to difficult to understand, and that there has been so much controversy coming […]
Wondering what the very end of the Bible says? We jump from Revelation 5 to Revelation 21-22 considering a believers arriving home.

From our Advent series, we consider that”Unto us a child is born” Isaiah 9:6, as we look at Revelation 19:11-15.

Here we are, heading into Christmas season, the advent of our Lord, as we begin to turn our focus to the most significant event for all humanity. Yes, 2000 years ago, God did His Son on mission to to die for the sins of the world. John 1:14 tells us that “the word became flesh”, and He […]