“Worshipping Through Suffering” – The Book Of Job

“Worshipping Through Suffering” – The Book Of Job March 23rd 2014 – Branches Church – Huntington Beach, CA. From the “Worthy” series, what does it mean to “Lament”? Is it a form of worship? Are we pursuing God? Is He present? What can we learn from Job, and the Nation of Israel, as they faced […]

SUICIDE? DEPRESSION? ANXIETY? PARANOIA? Who do you know that faces such things daily and who may need to hear the truth? This past week has been a reminder of the pain and hurt people face and carry, and while we may feel it best to post the beauty and joy in life, it was while […]
Cut it out!
“Could you sign your signature here?” she asked. Lifting up her arm as her and a friend approached me. Two girls in a parking lot of a giant church. We had invited the youth group and whoever else wished to skate, get free food and hear some worship music to come out to hang with […]
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