Is God an “Angry God”, eager to pour out His Wrath, with no concern for His Promises?

“Angry God” – 1 Samuel 15:1-3 – July 10th 2016 Richard Dawkins has made millions and continually travels the world depating people based on his understanding of The God of The Old Testament. Pointing to His anger, wrath, and the genocide of people groups. While we as humans all relate on the suffering of so many people, […]
Angry God? Does He wipe people out? Why was the earth flooded?

Does God seem angry to you? Why does there seem to be so much more anger, hurt, death in The Old Testament? Is that the case? What about the death of men, women, even children? What about the flood? What about what people refer to today as Genocide? Even Richard Dawkins himself preaches […]
Struggling with Anger? Here’s Chapter 13 of the 30-day Marriage Devotional “Never Fails”.
Day 1 3 : I n Your Anger, Do Not Sin! At our church, we have an outreach called “Young Lives.” The goal is to have men who have families and are raising children sit with younger, recently new fathers to encourage and sow into them. Last night, one question came up, “How do we, […]
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