What would culture look like if we actually honored the
The Crucifixion? How important is it to your life, or greater yet, your eternity? Are we really good people? Do we really have everything figured
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you and yours. Thank you for this past year, as you were instrumental in the furthering The Gospelthrough the Ministry
What would it look like for ten men, to share for 15 minutes each over the course of 4 hours to hundreds of men? Amazing!
https://vimeo.com/237437670 This weekend we picked up where we left off in our Luke series, with Brian Sumner unpacking Luke 21 and the signs of
“Worshipping Through Suffering” – The Book Of Job March 23rd 2014 – Branches Church – Huntington Beach, CA. From the “Worthy” series, what does it
“Angry God” – 1 Samuel 15:1-3 – July 10th 2016 Richard Dawkins has made millions and continually travels the world depating people based on his understanding
“Root of Bitterness” – Nahum and Obadiah – November 10th 2013 From the “Minor Prophets” series, we look at Gods leading, protection and our watching we
SUICIDE? DEPRESSION? ANXIETY? PARANOIA? Who do you know that faces such things daily and who may need to hear the truth? This past week has
Many are afraid to read The Book Of Revelation! Many think it is to difficult to understand, and that there has been so much controversy
“Seek First The Kingdom” – Luke 13:10-21 – Branches Church HB – May 28th 2017 As believers, now that we have been “hidden in Christ” do we
“Missions exists because worship doesn’t” writes John Piper. And how true this statement is. At a time when the
How often are we disgruntled, challenged, shaken, while still we are meant to have faith in Christ? Having faith in The Savior does not always
1661 S Crescent Heights BLVD, Bola de Neve Los Angeles, Crescent Heights, 90035 in the Elementary School auditorium.
Having just performed many miracles, and then asking the disciples who they say Jesus is, we see that they are shaken to the core, as
“Is God Jealous?” Richard Dawkins and Oprah have both settled on their understanding of The God of the Bible, and His being “jealous”. Are they,
The Woman with the issue of blood, and Jairus’s daughter? What do we see in these stories that reveals the restoration Jesus brings? As we
Do you truly know your worth in Christ?
Scripture: Matthew 28:20 August 2016 – CreationFest – Cornwall, England Continuing along with the theme for the festival “Love and Truth in Action”, we look
How is your marriage? Do you understand what marriage is? Are you struggling? Living with yourself as the center? Ready to give up? Considering divorce?
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