As you may have read if you are subscribed to any of the recent newsletters I am currently planning a Costa Rica trip mid February 2016. The attached photos are of the last trip I took there, where for five days we reached out to schools, skateparks, and more, alongside a recent Calvary Chapel Church plant. This time will be different, as my son will be coming with me, along with some leaders and students from Rock Harbor Church.
We will be there for ten days, and the pastor has already planned how we will be using our time. Schools, skateparks, homeless shelters, and the elderly will be our focus.
Part of how we fund these trips, is by raising support.
We will be there for ten days, and the pastor has already planned how we will be using our time. Schools, skateparks, homeless shelters, and the elderly will be our focus.
Part of how we fund these trips, is by raising support.
This is biblical and it also challenges us to step out believing God will provide and also allows for The Body of Christ (believers) to exercise their faith.
Costa Rica has a heavy Catholic influence, but often without the understanding of Jesus’s sacrifice, our repentance, forgiveness and a changed life.For info on how to support, below are links through our home church website that allows for people to give. The total cost per person is $1500 which covers travel, hotel, food, and more.
Thank you in advance and please be praying.For my support
https://rockharbor.webconnex.com/costarica2016briansumner For Dakota’s
https://rockharbor.webconnex.com/costarica2016briansumner For Dakota’s
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